
Rehearsal Day

Today is the first and last day of rehearsal before the live shows start tomorrow. The mood is really good. We left the dock on time at 6:00 am and made a short transit out of the harbor to our first station which is in the kelp forest just offshore in Monterey Bay. We can see the antenna that is receiving our video feed, and the connection looks good. The production team in Rhode Island can see and hear the video and audio we are sending them. 

We will start the first rehearsal at 10:00 am, but people are very busy in the meantime. The production crew is doing some last-minute troubleshooting of the underwater camera. It's a conventional-looking video camera, but it gets enclosed inside a waterproof housing so that it can operate underwater.

The diver group spent the time this morning to do a practice dive. They will look for locations they can return to later. The met on the deck of the Fulmar to review safety procedures before the dive. They are all experienced divers, but diving with video equipment adds a new twist for many. There will be additional cables in the water to carry the video images and communications lines, so the team discusses how they will move underwater and avoid getting tangled up.

We're still waiting for parts of the ROV to arrive. Apparently the shipping company has lost our power supply, but a replacement is being rushed to us and is supposed to arrive today. Keep your fingers crossed.

Todd Viola
Immersion Presents

Immersion Program: 
JASON Learning: A Partnership of Sea Research Foundation and National Geographic